Share your expertise

Be a Speaker

Speaker presentations are 30 minutes in length.  Your content should be interesting and product agnostic. Seminar sessions are meant to educate attendees on current fertility issues, innovations, challenges and trends only, and we do not accept product-related submissions.

*Participating Sponsors & Exhibitors will receive first right of refusal.




What we look for when reviewing submissions:

  • Is the presenter someone who can credibly address the subject in-depth?

  • Will attendees receive information that is unique, fresh, germane to their interests and challenges, and could not be located easily in some other fashion?

  • Does it sound like it is actually a useful vision or best practices versus a vendor pitch?

  • Relevancy. Does the presentation answer a question the market is struggling with?

  • Is the answer interesting / counter intuitive or does it just address conventional wisdom?

  • Real world application. Does the presentation show that people are really doing this, or is it just in-theory?

Speaker Expectations

If the proposal is selected, speaker is expected to:

  • Commit to presenting—no last minute switch outs or cancellations.

  • Share your presence at the event with your social networks. Speakers that are active online and help drive attendance are more like to be asked to return to speak again (pending good reviews).

  • Meet all deadlines.

  • Contribute one informational blog post or short video about the content of your session to be posted on American Fertility Expo Social Media sites.

*Important Note*

Application notification

Participating Sponsors and Exhibitors are given first preference for seminar slots. Applications will be reviewed for approval and notification will be e-mailed within one week. Speakers who are not able to purchase exhibit space will be placed on a waiting list and notified at a later date if a slot becomes available. We reserve the right to accept or deny any presentation based on content, current approved topics, or overall fitness for the show.